Break your tasks into manageable steps
Since there’s a place for everything, you can jot down those “someday, maybe” projects to return to whenever you’re ready.
Forecast shows you what’s coming up, so you can stop worrying and focus on what’s important now.
Projects, tagging, and due dates allow you to quickly lay out your week for maximum productivity.
Time Captain syncs across all your Apple devices.
Your to-do list keeps track of your priorities and shows you the best task to focus on next.
Stay focused with Time Captain, a personalized daily planner with timed "Pomodoro" style tasks. Get your lists anywhere, on any Apple device. Share your list with anyone and add notes to any task.
Create unlimited lists or tasks and start the 30 min "Pomodoro" Style timers.
Maximize your focus (Stay focused) on the task without distractions during each session.
Take a long break or take a short break doesnt matter. Just be ready to focus on the next task and build good habits.
Add personalized notes to each task and get daily reminders with completion notifications that run in the background.
Here are some important questions to ask yourself before starting any Time Management routine or Pomodoro Cycles.
Write down a clear and realistic task. After the cycle is complete, you’ll realize that you may be under or overestimating the time you actually take to finish and be able to set more realistic goals for the next set of task cycles..
If you are working in an unintentional, directionless way you are basically adrift at sea. Time Captain helps you understand how your task will help you in your business will help to bring focus and passion to your work.
Every day, we get bombarded with emails, notifications, calls, meetings and some things we just can’t control, but by understanding where we might get caught up, our bottlenecks, and limitations we can have a more mindful way of work getting the control back altogether. Time captian helps remove distractions and focus on 1 task for 30 minutes.
Once a task is completed, take a 10-20min break, unless you are really feeling the flow. If you are feelin’ it, then stop only when your body starts asking you for something else. Pay attention to your body. Burnout is no joke! .