Time Captain is a focus timer & habit management tool that helps you avoid burnout, stay focused and totally organized so you can easily manage your day-to-day tasks or todo lists. Make homework lists, shopping lists, to-do task lists to improve your productivity and focus on what matters most that day!


To-do lists for any purpose

Time Captain is a focus timer & habit management tool

Task manager

Break your tasks into manageable steps

A powerful system you can trust

Since there’s a place for everything, you can jot down those “someday, maybe” projects to return to whenever you’re ready.

Lower stress, increase control

Forecast shows you what’s coming up, so you can stop worrying and focus on what’s important now.

Untangle your day

Projects, tagging, and due dates allow you to quickly lay out your week for maximum productivity.

Stay organized on all your devices

Time Captain syncs across all your Apple devices.

Set your future self up for a win

You can accomplish big things when you do them one step at a time

Your to-do list keeps track of your priorities and shows you the best task to focus on next.

  • Staying on task seems is a real challenge for our screen-bound generation.
  • Time Captn lets you get sh*t done by breaking up individual tasks into 30 min intervals.
  • Surprisingly effective way to retain motivation and focus.
  • Stay focused whenever, wherever.

Plan, Organize & Schedule Tasks

Control your time before it controls you!

Create Lists
of Tasks

Cross Device

Track Completed

Stay focused with Time Captain, a personalized daily planner with timed "Pomodoro" style tasks. Get your lists anywhere, on any Apple device. Share your list with anyone and add notes to any task.

We do more for your world

4 Steps to developing good daily habits

Create unlimited lists or tasks and start the 30 min "Pomodoro" Style timers.

Maximize your focus (Stay focused) on the task without distractions during each session.

Take a long break or take a short break doesnt matter. Just be ready to focus on the next task and build good habits.

Add personalized notes to each task and get daily reminders with completion notifications that run in the background.


2 Minutes demo of our application

Video Demo of Time Captain


Comments From Our Users

As a software engineer, it’s useful to break down big projects into smaller tasks, and Time Captain is perfect for that purpose.

Shane Smith
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Comments From Our Users

I kept track of all my school tasks in Time Captain and, in 2022, I became the first one in my family to obtain a bachelor’s degree.

Samantha Ha
Our Testimonials

Comments From Our Users

Time Captain has really the way we run our small business marketing campaigns by helping us simplify projects and coordinate tons of details.

Abdul Sattar
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Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some important questions to ask yourself before starting any Time Management routine or Pomodoro Cycles.

What can I actually get done in 30 minutes?

Write down a clear and realistic task. After the cycle is complete, you’ll realize that you may be under or overestimating the time you actually take to finish and be able to set more realistic goals for the next set of task cycles..

How could this task be valuable to me in the future?

If you are working in an unintentional, directionless way you are basically adrift at sea. Time Captain helps you understand how your task will help you in your business will help to bring focus and passion to your work.

What is going to be a distraction or issue?

Every day, we get bombarded with emails, notifications, calls, meetings and some things we just can’t control, but by understanding where we might get caught up, our bottlenecks, and limitations we can have a more mindful way of work getting the control back altogether. Time captian helps remove distractions and focus on 1 task for 30 minutes.

What can I do to make my next Time Captain Pomodoro cycle better?

Once a task is completed, take a 10-20min break, unless you are really feeling the flow. If you are feelin’ it, then stop only when your body starts asking you for something else. Pay attention to your body. Burnout is no joke! .




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